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Hyperledger – 新メンバー11社を迎え成長続く

By 2018-02-273月 20th, 2018Press Release

2つ目のマイルストーンとなる製品利用可能(production-ready)版ブロックチェーン フレームワークHyperledger Sawtooth 1.0のリリースに続くメンバーの急成長

2018年2月27日サンフランシスコ発 – 業界の壁を越えたブロックチェーン技術の進化をめざして発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクトHyperledgerは、新たに11社が加盟したことを発表しました。Hyperledgerは、マルチ プロジェクト / マルチ ステークホルダーによる取り組みとして、Hyperledger Fabric、Hyperledger Iroha、Hyperledger Indy、Hyperledger Burrow、Hyperledger Quilt、Hyperledger Sawtoothなど、9件のビジネス ブロックチェーンおよび分散台帳テクノロジー開発プロジェクトを抱えています。

Hyperledgerのエグゼクティブ ディレクターであるBrian Behlendorfは次のように述べています。

Hyperledgerは、企業グレードのオープンソースによる分散台帳フレームワークとコードベースを作成することにより、組織がそれぞれの商取引をサポートするための堅牢で業界に特化したアプリケーション、プラットフォーム、およびハードウェア システムを構築できるようにすることをめざしています。金融、銀行、IoT、サプライチェーン、製造、技術などの分野のリーダー企業を含む200社以上からなるグローバル コラボレーションです。最近加盟したゼネラル メンバーは、8Common、ArcBlock、Data Deposit Box、FORFIRM、ForgeRock、Inspur、Nexiot、~sedna GmbH、Smart Block Laboratoryです。

Hyperledgerは、さまざまな組織や個人の貢献や参加を尊重するオープンなコミュニティの育成を目指しています。そのため、事前承認された非営利のオープンソースプロジェクトや自治体は、会費なしのアソシエイト(賛助)メンバーとしてHyperledgerに参加できます。今回アソシエイト メンバーに参加した組織は、北京大学とShareIT.ioです。

新メンバーの声 (原文)


“8common is very excited to join the Hyperledger family and we look forward to contributing our experience to design, develop and operationalise blockchain solutions,” said Nic Lim, Executive Chairman, 8common Limited. “Our core business, expense8, a leading government and large enterprise platform for credit card, travel and expense management in Australia, is well positioned to leverage blockchain to future proof our platform and collaborate with fellow Hyperledger members to deliver new platforms.”


“Joining ​Hyperledger is a significant step for ArcBlock in making our platform enterprise-ready and accelerating our customers’ journey to production,” said Robert Mao, Founder and CEO, ArcBlock, Inc. “Our commitment to ​Hyperledger will help enterprise-grade blockchain technology adoption and will enable clients to innovate in most demanding applications through our innovative ArcBlock platform.”

Data Deposit Box

“We are very pleased to join the Hyperledger community and look forward to collaborating in our goal to deliver innovative blockchain solutions for our partners and clients worldwide,” said Tim Jewell, CEO, Data Deposit Box. “It is important to be part of such a diverse and talented community as we innovate at such a rapid pace. Our partners and clients are depending on applications to use common interfaces so they can select between blockchain service providers without the need for implementation changes. It took many years for S3 to become widely accepted as a standard interface for storage. We hope to help in the evolution of a simple blockchain service (SBS) and we know Hyperledger will be at the core.”


“We are honored to become members of Hyperledger,” said Gaspare Corona, Blockchain Leader, FORFIRM. “Having actively worked with Hyperledger for some time, this decision is reflective of our desire to take our involvement to the next level and become a participant and contributor to the foundation. FORFIRM has developed a European network of blockchain specialists, working with clients across multiple industries to explore this disruptive technology and deliver it now.”


“ForgeRock is delighted to join Hyperledger,” said Lasse Andresen, Chief Technology Officer, Co-founder, ForgeRock. “Hyperledger’s many strengths, such as performance, scalability, a modular architecture, and strong cryptography features provide many synergies with the ForgeRock Identity Platform’s goal to ‘connect, protect and respect’ — building trusted digital relationships with customers and the mobile devices and smart things with which they interact.”


“As a revolutionary technology, blockchain will bring great changes to various industries and we’re excited to be part of Hyperledger,” said Mr. XiaoXue, Vice President, Inspur. “Currently, based on blockchain, Inspur is building a quality improvement ecosystem of multi-participation, connectivity and co-governance and sharing to facilitate implementation of a ‘Quality China’ Strategy.”


“Nexiot provides an end-to-end logistics platform that brings transparency and accountability to the supply chain. We are proud to join the Hyperledger community and see this as a significant step towards delivering blockchain enterprise-ready solutions for the logistics industry,” said Tzvetan Horozov, CTO, Nexiot. “Our technology enables a unique set of use-cases by providing real-time asset visibility, smart events processing and advanced data augmentation. We look forward to working with the diverse Hyperledger community and business partners to advance industrial process automation, technology innovation and maximize ROI.”

~sedna GmbH

“We are thrilled to become members of Hyperledger and The Linux Foundation,” said Rolf Maurer and Guido Matzer, Founders of ~sedna GmbH. “The integration of our solutions into hybrid corporate networks of things and creating stable and secure managed services for multichannel content distribution and playout including lifecycle management with p2p solutions for distributed locations is key to our future work. We are looking forward to collaborating with other members and contributing to the Hyperledger community.”

Smart Block Laboratory

“We’re thrilled to join Hyperledger and are proud to be part of this effort to create an open standard for distributed ledger technology,” said Pavel Lvov, Founder and CEO, Smart Block Laboratory. “We at Smart Block Laboratory, as a business partner of IBM, believe blockchain is the next evolution in how data will be stored and shared and we’re looking forward to working with this diverse community. Hyperledger membership will definitely provide us with the opportunity to onrush our newest CRYPTOENTER blockchain-based payment system and IoTNet platform, which is powered by Hyperledger Fabric blockchain technology.”

なお、Hyperledger Global Forum(12月12日〜15日スイス バーゼルにて初開催)の発表案(CFP)の募集を開始しました。発表案の提出はこちらで受け付けています。

Hyperledger について

Hyperledterは、業界の壁を越えたブロックチェーン技術の進化をめざして発足したオープンソース共同開発プロジェクトです。金融、銀行、IoT、サプライチェーン、製造、技術などの分野のリーダー企業によるグローバル コラボレーションです。The Linux Foundationが傘下の共同開発プロジェクトとしてHyperledgerをホストしています。詳細についてはこちらを参照してください。

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