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{VIDEO} How Much Do You Really Know About Linux?

By 2012-08-298月 22nd, 2017Blog

LinuxCon and CloudOpen are off to a great start, and there is still a lot to come. In fact, the man (that would be Linus) takes the stage in about an hour. If you’re not here, don’t miss him on the live stream.

In the mean time, with all the world’s best Linux and open source talent all in one place, we decided to hit the hallways and find out how much we all really know about the largest collaborative development project in the history of computing. Could you answer questions like, “What is the mascot for Linux?” Sure, you say. What about what the code name was for the last Linux kernel release? Hmmm, that’s a bit harder.

A big thanks to everyone who played along and were such good sports. This was a lot of fun!



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